About Baenutz

Bringing original taste naturally

Preeti Janardhanan - Managing Director, The Nuttcracker

Enjoy the guilt-free snacking with Baenutz - Your Health comes Before Anything Else.

Baenutz is a contemporary healthy snacking company targeted to help kids & teens eat healthy & yummy. We are committed to expand & help parents give their kids a healthy diet at affordable rates.

Let's take the first step towards healthy life style, by initiating clean snacking among our children, thus ensuring a wealthy future generation..

The founder of the brand Ms. Preeti Janardhanan; is a passionate & self-motivated entrepreneur with an extraordinary vision to build a brand and take it to all corners of the world. Preeti, is an Industrial Engineer graduated from Lehigh University, Pennsylvania which is considered to be one of the hidden Ivy League schools in the USA. She has the wide experience of travelling the world including Africa to choose the right origin nuts for processing. She is a mom of two kids who believe in giving healthy snacks and Covid 19 challenged our choice of food and the impact it has on our daily nutrition. This was the brain child to come up with the brand that values daily nutrition and include nuts high in selenium, magnesium and anti-oxidants.

Flavoured Cashew nuts & Almonds are the best to keep the craving for tasty snack without comprising on your health. Baenutz consider this aspect very seriously and have come with zero oil roasted nuts, with no resin based coating. We avoid binders like Maltodextrin, Xhantum gum, corn syrup, tapioca powder that add to the extra calories during the nut intake, inturn making it a hard choice.

We use original ingridients in most flavours to give it the original flavour that makes it come back for more.